secunet Security Networks AG
Kurfürstenstraße 58
45138 Essen, Germany
Board of management: Axel Deininger (CEO), Torsten Henn, Dr. Kai Martius, Thomas Pleines
Phone: +49 (0) 201 5454-0
Fax: +49 (0) 201 5454-1000
Email: info(at)
Local Court of Essen HRB 13615
VAT ID number DE812132148
Tax no. 112/5792/0344
LEI no. 391200N3TQNVUCU8N039
WEEE reg. no. DE 41600846
Responsible for journalistic contents and editing
Marc Pedack, secunet Security Networks AG
Conception, design and online implementation
RCKT GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, Germany
FLOWSITE GmbH, Cologne, Germany
Dominik Maoro, secunet Security Networks AG
Marc Pedack, secunet Security Networks AG
secuview is the online magazine of secunet, Germany's leading cybersecurity company. Whether cloud, IIoT, home office, eGovernment or autonomous driving - there can be no digitisation without security.